Broccoli Sprout Kit
An Easy Sprout Sprouter and 1 pound of Broccoli seed. Detailed Instructions
Our favorite sprouting device and America's most famous sprouting seed! The pound of Broccoli will produce about 5 pounds of broccoli sprouts - at about 8 ounces of sprouts per crop. The Easy Sprout Sprouter will last for many years and will sprout just about any seed you want to.
For Sprouting Instructions, click here: Broccoli. To learn about - including how to use - a Sprouter, click its name: Easy Sprout Sprouter.
You may also view and/or print the instructions we send with the kit: Broccoli Kit Instructions.
Grow Your Own Antioxidants
In September of 1997, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine research doctors discovered that Broccoli sprouts can contain as much as 50 times the Sulfurophane as mature broccoli plants. They call this compound an antioxidant. With this simple bundle you can produce 15 - 20 crops of Broccoli Sprouts, each weighing in at around 8 ounces and each conceivably (read the original report on Broccoli Sprouts from JHU) equal in Sulfurophane to 25 pounds of mature broccoli.
For Sprouting Instructions and to learn more about the seed, click here: Broccoli. To learn about - including how to use - the Sprouter, click here: Easy Sprout Sprouter.
The Seeds
1 Pound of
We've grown thousands of pounds of Broccoli since 1997. Broccoli is a quite easy sprout to grow, especially in cooler conditions. Broccoli does have issues with heat - especially when accompanied by high humidity. The Easy Sprout Sprouter helps compensate, but it's best to add a 3rd Rinse and Drain when the conditions are hot and humid.
As with all of our seeds and mixes - we want you to use our Growing Instructions. Besides being excruciatingly thorough - you can see pictures of the crop, day-by-day as it grows - and in many cases - like this one - a very detailed video, as well as useful notes specific to each crop. Our instructions are the core of sproutpeople.org - and they'll help make you a successful sprout farmer in no time.
The Sprouter
One Easy Sprout Sprouter
Overwhelmingly our most popular sprouter, Easy Sprout is also our personal favorite. We have well over a dozen in our house. It offers great drainage and the best air-circulation of any sprouter.
Easy Sprout is made up of a 1 Quart (litre) Growing Vessel, a Solid container/Base that catches excess Rinse water, a Small Seed Insert that snaps in when sprouting small seeds, two Growing Lids (1 for home (Domed) and 1 for the road (Flat)), and a Solid Lid for refrigerator storage of your sprout crop.
Easy Sprout is the best all-around sprouter. Period. It is the mandatory choice for high humidity sproutpeople everywhere and great for travel sprouting! Very versatile - Easy Sprout can sprout virtually any seed, anywhere!
Easy Sprout is part of many of our Kits.
Though this Kit does come with printed sprouting instructions - you will always find the most information by visiting the seed's detailed page: On our Broccoli page you will find everything you will ever want to know about the seed, and how to sprout it.
I was thinking about purchasing this sprouter with the seeds and buying some other seeds as well to sprout. Can I use this sprouter kit for the other sprouts such as alfalfa seeds sprouts?
Sproutpeople Response: Yes! Visit our Easy Sprout page to see everything you can grow in it. @:-)
I was thinking about purchasing this sprouter with the seeds and buying some other seeds as well to sprout. Can I use this sprouter kit for the other sprouts such as alfalfa seeds sprouts?
Sproutpeople Response: Yes! Visit our Easy Sprout page to see everything you can grow in it. @:-)
The easy sprout is simple and grows great broccoli sprouts from the included seed. I purchased the organic seeds here and I must say, it was much better than seeds I have tried from two other sources. I'll get my seeds here from now on. Thank you!
The easy sprout is simple and grows great broccoli sprouts from the included seed. I purchased the organic seeds here and I must say, it was much better than seeds I have tried from two other sources. I'll get my seeds here from now on. Thank you!