Grain Sprout Sampler
Single Harvest Packs of Sprouting Grains and Pseudograins: Amber Waves of Grain Mix, Kamut, Oats + Groats Breakfast Sprouts, Quinoa, Rye and Wheat. (5 of the 6 listed will be included - because we substitute seeds when inventory requires).
A great choice for anyone who wants to give sweet sprouting a try. Our Grain Sampler is made up of our favorite Grain and Pseudograin seeds and mixes. These are among the easiest and fastest of all seeds to sprout, as well as the sweetest.
If you haven't one yet, you would do well to also consider a Sprouter.
For Sprouting Instructions, click the name of the Seed or Mix you want to grow.
The Seeds
Amber Waves of Grain
Wheat, Spelt, Kamut, Triticale, Rye, Oats, Barley, Quinoa, Millet, Sesame, Amaranth
Just about every grain and pseudograin under the sun, combined into a delightfully sweet and nutritious treat.
Kamut® is an ancient grain which is now a patented product. The story we have heard is this: A farmer from Montana, while serving in Northern Africa during WWII, found some grain seeds. He brought the seeds back to the family farm and after years of raising the crop on their land, the family applied for - and was given a patent. Whatever is the case, this is a truly awesome grain! It is bigger than wheat and slightly less sweet as well as more tender.
Oats + Groats Breakfast Sprouts
Buckwheat Groats + Hulless Oats
Breakfast Sprouts?! It's about time!!! Top these sprouts with milk (cow, soy, rice, goat...) and a little maple syrup (our favorite) and you have the perfect breakfast. It has been a very long time since we ate breakfast with any regularity, but this has changed our lives. Oats + Groats is delicious (the maple syrup doesn't hurt either =;-) and has a great soft crunchy texture. One-half cup of this "cereal" provides a great nutritious, and delicious start to your day - it is a "no brainer", try it and see. Oats + Groats is a Very Quick sprout. You can Soak it for 1/2 an hour, Rinse it, Drain it, and eat it up (once soaked a seed is alive), or you can sprout it longer - whatever you like. Though a very simple mix, we consider it one our best. Try some Sprouts for Breakfast!
A 6,000 year old (pseudo) grain which was a sacred staple of the Inca diet, Quinoa produces super nutritious sprouts very quickly.
The classic cereal grain easily makes a mildly sweet and nutritious sprout.
Very very easy to sprout, very very sweet and very very nutritious! Variety: hard (usually red) winter wheat.
Fast and sweet, grain sprouts are fun to eat - as a treat - or a breakfast cereal. For anyone who already has a Sprouter, this sampler will give you a taste of what is in store for you in the world of Sprouting Grains and Pseudograins.
To find greater detail, and for Sprouting Instructions, click the name of the Seed or Mix you want to grow or know about.
The Seeds
Amber Waves of Grain
Wheat, Spelt, Kamut, Triticale, Rye, Oats, Barley, Quinoa, Millet, Sesame, Amaranth
Just about every grain and pseudograin under the sun, combined into a delightfully sweet and nutritious treat.
Kamut® is an ancient grain which is now a patented product. The story we have heard is this: A farmer from Montana, while serving in Northern Africa during WWII, found some grain seeds. He brought the seeds back to the family farm and after years of raising the crop on their land, the family applied for - and was given a patent. Whatever is the case, this is a truly awesome grain! It is bigger than wheat and slightly less sweet as well as more tender.
Oats + Groats Breakfast Sprouts
Buckwheat Groats + Hulless Oats
Breakfast Sprouts?! It's about time!!! Top these sprouts with milk (cow, soy, rice, goat...) and a little maple syrup (our favorite) and you have the perfect breakfast. It has been a very long time since we ate breakfast with any regularity, but this has changed our lives. Oats + Groats is delicious (the maple syrup doesn't hurt either =;-) and has a great soft crunchy texture. One-half cup of this "cereal" provides a great nutritious, and delicious start to your day - it is a "no brainer", try it and see. Oats + Groats is a Very Quick sprout. You can Soak it for 1/2 an hour, Rinse it, Drain it, and eat it up (once soaked a seed is alive), or you can sprout it longer - whatever you like. Though a very simple mix, we consider it one our best. Try some Sprouts for Breakfast!
A 6,000 year old (pseudo) grain which was a sacred staple of the Inca diet, Quinoa produces super nutritious sprouts very quickly.
The classic cereal grain easily makes a mildly sweet and nutritious sprout.
Very very easy to sprout, very very sweet and very very nutritious! Variety: hard (usually red) winter wheat.
You will want a Sprouter too, if you don't already have one you like.