Oats and Groats Sprout Mix
Hulless Oats and Buckwheat Groats
Sprouts for Breakfast! The most nutritious cereal ever! Very fast sprouting!
Vitamins B, C and E
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Phosphorus, Potassium
Amino Acids
Protein: 15%
Soothing, chewy and mild. Wonderful breakfast cereal.
The amount of Oats and Groats Sprout Mix produced by 1 unit of Seed. For Example 2:1 means that 1 pound of Seed will produce 2 pounds of Sprouts or whatever crop you are growing. You do not have to grow them all at once of course, unless you wish to =:-D
The time it takes to grow a finished 1 - 3 days, or other crop (Micro-Greens, Grass, Greens) from a dry Seed. Note: This "finished" Sprout is our preference. you may grow them for as long as you want! In fact, we suggest that you taste them at every rinse to discover when you like them best.
How to Grow Oats and Groats Sprout Mix
- Prep 2/3 cup of seeds by running cool water through them for a minute or so.
- Soak the seeds in cool water for 30 minutes.
- Drain off soak water. Do not ever soak again.
- Rinse very thoroughly.
- Drain thoroughly.
- Keep your Sprouter in a relatively low light location.
- Rinse and Drain thoroughly - with cool water every 8-12 hours.
- Harvest when your seeds have tiny Roots, and eat or Refrigerate your crop.

Dry Oats and Groats await their Soak.

30 minutes later... Soaked, Rinsed and Drained.

8 - 12 hours later... another Rinse/Drain cycle.

8 - 12 hours later... another Rinse/Drain cycle. You can be done - if you haven't eaten them already, or keep on sprouting, if you insist.

12 hours later.... Harvest your crop before it starts to grow Grass!

Dry Oats and Groats await their Soak.

30 minutes later... Soaked, Rinsed and Drained.

8 - 12 hours later... another Rinse/Drain cycle.

8 - 12 hours later... another Rinse/Drain cycle. You can be done - if you haven't eaten them already, or keep on sprouting, if you insist.

12 hours later.... Harvest your crop before it starts to grow Grass!
Yields approximately 1 Cup (1/2 lb.) of Sprouts
Seed Prep Put 2/3 Cup of seed* into a strainer, sieve or your Sprouter. Buckwheat Groats create amazingly starchy water, so it can help to Prep Oats and Groats before Soaking, by running water through them for 30-60 seconds. This won't remove all the starch, but any less is good - as you'll see shortly.
Transfer your rinsed seeds (if necessary) into a bowl or into your Sprouter. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60°-70°) water. Mix seeds up to assure even water contact for all. Allow seeds to Soak for 30 Minutes. Note: Buckwheat Groats and Hulless Oats take up all the water they need quickly, that is why their Soak time is so short. They get waterlogged if soaked too long, and may never sprout - so - Don't over-soak them!
Empty the seeds into your Sprouter (if necessary). Drain off the soak water. You may water plants or use it in stock if you like - it has nutrients in it. Rinse thoroughly with cool (60°-70°) water. Drain thoroughly!
Note: Buckwheat Groat's starchy water on is amazingly thick! They won't sprout too well unless you get rid of it - so Rinse and Rinse and Rinse until the water runs clear and is less viscous then at first. It can take a little while - but don't skimp. 4 or 5 is generally our number of cycles. Every Rinse is the same when dealing with Buckwheat Groats: Rinse and Rinse and Rinse until the water runs clear.
Set your Sprouter anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between Rinses. This is where your sprouts do their growing. We use a counter top - in the corner of our kitchen, but where the sprouter won't get knocked over by cats, dogs, kids or us. We don't mind the indirect sunlight or the 150 watts of incandescent light, because light just does not matter much. A plant can only perform photosynthesis when it has leaves. Until then light has little if any effect. They also happen to like air-circulation, so don't hide your sprouts.
Rinse and Drain again in 8-12 hours. And, perhaps one more... Rinse and Drain in 8-12 hours. And, possibly once more... Rinse and Drain in 8-12 hours.
We usually stop here (or sooner if we have any root at all). We like our Grain Sprouts very small.
Depending on your climate and the time of year you are sprouting and most importantly your personal preference - You may Rinse and Drain again at 8-12 hour intervals for several days. However - we prefer to sprout only to the point where most of the seeds have sprouted tiny (1/16 - 1/4 inch) roots. That is typically after just 2 or 3 Rinse and Drain cycles, though it can happen after just one.
As always, we suggest that you taste your crop at EVERY Rinse - including the very first - just after the Soak period. The soaked seeds are already alive and though they may not be their most nutritious they are very close. We're talking seriously nutritious - they are already without enzyme inhibitors (a very good thing indeed) so they'll digest themselves and nourish your cells without requiring anything from your body!
Grow them for as long as you like (as long as you continue to Rinse and Drain every 8-12 hours) and find out for yourself when they are most delicious! If you grow for more than a couple days, you'll have Grass growing (on your Oats) as well as roots.
Experiment! Have Fun! It's All Good!
Harvest Your sprouts are done 8-12 hours after your final Rinse. Be sure to Drain them as thoroughly as possible after that final Rinse. The goal during the final 8-12 hours is to minimize the surface moisture of your sprouts - they will store best in your refrigerator if they are dry to the touch.
Refrigerate Transfer the sprout crop to a plastic bag or the sealed container of your choice. We have Produce Storage Bags that will extend shelf life substantially.
Note: Grains do not store well in refrigeration so you should try to grow just what you need. It isn't actually that they store poorly, it is just that grains are cool weather crops, so though they slow down quite a bit, they continue to grow - even in the refrigerator.
* If using Sproutpeople's Single Harvest Pack - use the whole bag. It will produce a crop of approximately 8 ounces.
These seeds yield approximately 1.5:1 - which means the sprouts will weigh one-and-one-half times as much as the seed you start with, so you can theoretically start with 2/3 as much dry seed as your Sprouter's capacity, though we always suggest you leave more room - especially when you are new to a crop.
Breakfast Sprouts?! You bet! It's about time!!! Top these sprouts with milk (cow, soy, rice...) and a little maple syrup, maybe some fruit - and you have the perfect breakfast. It has been a very long time since we ate breakfast with any regularity, but this has changed our lives. Oats + Groats is delicious (the maple syrup doesn't hurt either =;-) and has a great soft crunchy texture. One-half cup of this "cereal" provides a great delicious nutritious start to your day - it is a "no brainer", try it and see.
Oats + Groats is a quick sprout. Though very simple, it is one of the best mixes we have ever come up with!
Recommended Sprouters for Oats and Groats Sprout Mix
I use 1/2 cup of oats and groats, 1/2 cup of wheat berries, 3-1/2 cups water, a tsp of salt, 1/4 raisins and 1/4 cup walnuts, and about 2 tsp of cinnamon - throw it all in a 2qt crock pot before bed and cook on low overnight. A serving is about 1/2 cup. I top it with a scoop of ricotta for a little protein. No sweetener needed 😋 and it really keeps me full for most of the day!
This recipe makes about a quart
(I like it thick, so if you used more water it would make even more)
Leftovers are great cold or reheated, and I add them to muffins or pancakes, as well for some extra chewiness.
Highly recommend this mix.
Brilliant idea! combine oats with their typical grain texture with raw buckwheat groats which add a different texture. Tastes great. Full of nutrition!
Be sure to soak only half-hour. Although of course I don't read directions, so I soaked overnight. Both ways were tasty! I tend to wait til oats sprout a bit, but sometimes I can't wait that long. As long as the oats are chewy and not hard, I'm all in. Yummy!
Here's the bottom line: The larger grain and all the bean sprouting seeds are tasty, nutritious and never disappoint! I prefer them to any other food.
I love this mix! We ate it for breakfast this morning. I paired it with bananas, blueberries, figs, cinnamon, a swirl of maple syrup, and milk. Very filling, as well. I went 6 hours before I needed to eat something else. We don't usually eat cereal in our house because the grains are destroyed during the extrusion process, and they typically are not sprouted. However, my husband loves cereal and he has been without it for 11 years. Now that we found sprout people, he can have cereal again. Very exciting!
I love this mix! We ate it for breakfast this morning. I paired it with bananas, blueberries, figs, cinnamon, a swirl of maple syrup, and milk. Very filling, as well. I went 6 hours before I needed to eat something else. We don't usually eat cereal in our house because the grains are destroyed during the extrusion process, and they typically are not sprouted. However, my husband loves cereal and he has been without it for 11 years. Now that we found sprout people, he can have cereal again. Very exciting!
You will love these ! Just add your favorite berries and milk or even yogurt. Easy to sprout as well.