Sproutmaster - 5x6 Tray Sprouter
The SproutMaster offers excellent drainage, and is great for growing vertical Leafy Sprouts. The SproutMaster is versatile - it can sprout virtually any seed. It is even able to grow Grass, Greens and Micro-Greens - with proper care, and perhaps a growing medium.
We sell two configurations 1) Three trays that measure 5x6 inches each (the one on this page). 2) A Single tray that measures 8x10 inches. Every SproutMaster tray is 2 inches deep.
This SproutMaster is the 3 Tray, 5x6 Stack. It comes with 3 Trays, 3 Dividers, and 4 Lids/Bases. That is enough Lids/Bases for almost anything you want to grow.
If you would like the Single Tray click here: SproutMaster 8x10.
SproutMaster Sprouting Instructions
Specific Sprouting Instructions are found on the page devoted to the Seed or Mix you are interested in. Below are SproutMaster specifics.
Seed Prep
Not all seeds require this step. See the seed information page to see if you need to do this for the seed you are sprouting.
SproutMaster is swell at allowing you to run water through seeds, but getting the seeds out to Soak would be a problem with small seeds, so you'll be happier if you don't prep any but big seeds (beans, grains, greens, etc.) with SproutMaster.
You can not Soak in SproutMaster. Use a bowl or similar water holding unit.
Rinse each tray individually and Drain well before re-stacking. Hold SproutMaster under your faucet or better yet, your sink's sprayer for 15 - 20 seconds - using cool (60 - 70°) water (unless otherwise instructed by your seed supplier). Move the sprayer or SproutMaster around to get all of the crop watered well. The rule to remember is: Rinse at least until the water runs clear from the bottom of the tray. You can not over-rinse.
When you are done Rinsing you need to get as much of the water out of the tray as possible. Bounce it until no more water comes out.
When you are sprouting big seeds it is easy enough to get most of the water out, but when they are small seeds (leafy or brassica sprouts), there will always be some water left, so bounce more than you think is necessary. It can't hurt!
Sprouting, Greening and De-Hulling
Stack your trays - (if stacking you are) - after they have been well Drained. Do be aware that air-circulation is minimal in SproutMaster - so if you are sprouting in a hot/humid spot; Rinse more often with cool water. You can also separate (un-stack) your trays. You'll have to separate the trays if the sprouts grow taller than the trays or need light anyway - which is about the time that lack of air-circulation becomes an issue. Don't feel confused - just pay attention to your sprouts - they'll do great!
Setting up SproutMaster, so that it has proper air-circulation is simple. The covers and bases are identical. Always put the text side up (the covers/bases have text molded onto them). You end up with a seal at the top, and a gap underneath. The air flows up into the tray through this gap. It's minimal, but that's the way the manufacturer designed air-circulation into SproutMaster.
If you are growing sprouts with leaves, uncover trays and locate them where they can get some light (according to the directions on that seed's information page). Since you are dealing with trays you can get away with more light than when using enclosed sprouters. You can even use direct sunlight, but do pay attention as the sun hastens drying and heats up the sprouts, so you might have to Rinse more often with cool water to compensate. Experiment and see. You'll do fine with minimal light too, so don't feel like you have to push it.
One of the finest things about SproutMaster is hull removal when growing Leafy sprouts. All you have to do is turn the tray at an angle and spray the hulls off with a sprayer. A faucet can even do it. By the time you get to this stage your sprouts will be so firmly rooted that you can turn the tray at a 90° angle (you can even go to 180° but there is no point to that - that I can think of). We call this form of de-hulling: "Shaving".
Seed Specific Sprouting Instructions
If you have a particular seed type in mind, read on to discover further details of Tray sprouting that seed type. Refer to the seed's main information page for detailed instructions.
Leafy Sprouts
These are the seeds/sprouts that really show off the SproutMaster. You can grow these sprouts vertically - roots down and leaves up! We did this for years, when professional sprout growers (though we used different - larger - trays) and have found ours to be the most beautiful Leafy sprouts we've ever seen. Vertical growing also makes de-hulling virtually automatic - as the leaves open and shed their hulls, the hulls wash away during Rinses. This is also the method that achieves the most even greening as almost all of the leaves are exposed to light. None of these things are necessary for great Leafy sprouts. Regardless of the growing method you use, the sprouts taste great and are nutritional dynamos!
The method for vertical growing is written on each of the Leafy sprout information pages, but here they are anyway:
The trick to doing this is to keep your sprouts in place (don't "break them up" as you do in a non-tray sprouter) from day 3 onward. It is easy to do, if when Rinsing, you use a sprayer (that attachment most sinks have - the one that pulls out and is gun-like or a faucet attachment that offers spraying when pulled down) instead of your faucet. We have grown many many tons of Leafy sprouts this way. Here is a breakdown of the specifics (Rinse numbers are based on 12 hour intervals - adjust as needed):
Rinse 1 (right after Soak): Use faucet or sprayer and Rinse thoroughly (use water at high pressure and use plenty of it). Keep your seeds in one corner of the tray, when you are done Rinsing. They generate more heat and sprout faster then they would if spread evenly across the bottom of the tray. Rinse 2 and 3: Use faucet or sprayer and Rinse thoroughly. Continue to let the sprouts mass together on one end, or in one corner of the tray. We'll spread them out soon. Rinse 4: Use sprayer and while Rinsing thoroughly, spray your sprouts evenly across the bottom of the tray. You can use your hands to spread them too, but the sprayer is best. The goal is to spread them evenly across the bottom of the tray. Rinse 5 and 6: Use sprayer with less water pressure. Rinse well - (which since you are using less water pressure means - for a longer time - though we're still just talking seconds here - it's not much time with a crop this size.) but don't disturb the sprouts - we want them to stay as even as we can get them, across the tray. Rinse 7 - 10: Use sprayer. You can turn the water pressure back to high - your sprouts will not be easily moved (their mass broken up) at this point and the higher water pressure feeds oxygen to your sprouts as well as "cleaning" them, which is a wonderful way to produce healthy long lasting sprouts. Rinse and Drain thoroughly. Rinse 11 (if you need this many) or your last rinse: Use Sprayer. Hold your tray at an angle (90° will work but less is OK too) and spray across the top of the sprouts (starting at the top of the tray and "walking" the hulls down until they fall off the bottom edge) to remove hulls. We call this form of de-hulling SHAVING and it can be done at any Rinse or every Rinse - starting when hulls begin to be shed by the opening leaves. Rinse down into the sprouts too. Drain as thoroughly as possible after your last Rinse - you want your sprouts to dry enough to refrigerate in 8-12 hours.
Vertical growing CAN be done without a sprayer too but it is more difficult. If you want to try all you have to do is regulate your water pressure - trying to keep your sprouts undisturbed - especially during rinses 4 - 6.
Greening is done according to the directions on the seed information page.
If you don't wish to grow vertically just follow the standard seed directions on the seed information page.
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 Tray: 2.5 Tablespoons 5x6 Tray: 1 Tablespoon
Follow the seed information page instructions for the bean you are growing.
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 Tray: 2 Cups 5x6 Tray: 3/4 Cup
Mung Bean
If you are going for small sweet Mungs you need only follow the directions on the Mung Bean information page. If you are going for big and thick, read on...
The 2 big issues with growing large, thick rooted Mungs is keeping them dark while growing and applying weight to the growing sprouts. SproutMaster, though not deep is dark inside. Applying weight may be easier, or more difficult (depending on what you've got around the house) with this device than with others. Whenever you try to grow big thick rooted Mung Bean sprouts, you need to keep them from moving: Don't disturb the sprouts - they need to be tightly packed, so after the first Rinse, apply weight directly to the sprouts - anything that will fit snugly inside SproutMaster will work. When you Rinse you need to do it gently the first few times. Soon they will be so firmly massed together that you couldn't move them with a fire hose! The only other issue is the soak period we suggest while growing Mungs. Since you can't soak in SproutMaster you 'll need to submerge the tray in a pot (or similar unit) of water. Just be sure that your Mungs are firmly massed before submerging them.
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 Tray: 2 cups for small sprouts or 1 cup for big sprouts 5x6 Tray: 3/4 cup for small sprouts or 1/3 cup for big sprouts
Broccoli, Radish, Cabbage, Mustard, etc. need to move while sprouting or they will form a root mass (beginning around day 3) which is at least unpleasant, and often lessens the sprouts' quality. Solution: Break Up/Loosen the mass. Use high water pressure at every Rinse to keep the sprouts loose. If they mass together despite your high pressure efforts (which is not uncommon - especially if you are growing the maximum amount of sprouts SproutMaster can grow), transfer the sprouts to a big bowl or pot type container. Fill the container with cool water (you can also use high pressure water to fill the container if you want to get a head start on loosening) and reach in with your hands (as long as they are clean) or a fork or the like and gently separate the sprouts. Go ahead and skim any hulls that are floating on top (compost them) and then transfer your Brassica sprouts back to SproutMaster. You don't have to, but we Rinse again once they are back in their tray. Keep breaking up the mass at every rinse or 2 after that as well.
If you just won't believe that Brassicas can't grow vertically, go ahead and try it - there is no better way to learn and learning is a good thing (as long as you don't hurt anyone!). You should try it with Radish if you must, as it will be the least bad of the Brassicas (it can even produce an edible crop of micro-greens if you get lucky). Just follow the directions above for leafy sprouts. I bet you've never seen blue roots before.....
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 tray: 3 Tablespoons 5x6 tray: 1 1/8 Tablespoons
If you're growing Fenugreek, Mother's Mix or Dill, they require no extra information.
Maximum dry seed = Follow the seed's instruction page. Remember, the 8x10 Tray has a capacity of one quart. A 5x6 Tray is .375 (3/8) quarts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are growing Garlic, Leek and Onion; these all take about 2 weeks to finish sprouting so keep Rinsing and Draining!
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 tray: 5 Tablespoons 5x6 tray: 2 Tablespoons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Our 2-Step Mixes; Clem's Choice and Hot + Sweet are perfectly suited to SproutMaster, especially if you want to grow each of the crops (steps) separately and mix them together at harvest time.
Maximum dry seed = Follow the seed's instruction page. Remember, the 8x10 Tray has a capacity of one quart. A 5x6 Tray is .375 (3/8) quarts.
Follow the instructions on seed's detailed information page for the grain you are growing. There's nothing more you need to know.
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 Tray: 2 1/2 cups 5x6 Tray: 1 cup
Nuts, Seeds and Pseudograins
Follow the instructions on seed's detailed information page for the grain you are growing. There's nothing more you need to know.
Maximum dry seed varies depending on what you're growing. Follow the seed's instruction page. Remember, the 8x10 Tray has a capacity of one quart. A 5x6 Tray is .375 (3/8) quarts.
Grass and Greens
Because the SproutMaster has a top and bottom it can hold moisture well, which makes it possible to grow Grass and Greens without soil. Doing so always requires extra attention, but as long as you keep the seeds moist all through growing, it can be done. WE ARE NOT suggesting this as a good way to grow these crops but we are saying that it is possible. Experiment Freely!
The major issues are: Keep rinsing/watering regularly. As the crop grows it needs more and more water (relative to the size of the plant, basically) to keep growing big and tender. Also, the roots will grow out of the holes in the bottom of the tray - in a big way. Be sure to cut them off when you harvest. If you try to pull them you could hurt SproutMaster. It would be best to use a medium, if you're going this route. You still need to pay attention when you harvest, but a medium usually holds a lot of the roots, so there can be less pressure on SproutMaster.
SproutMaster is a great Pre-Sprouter - of course!
Maximum dry seed - for Pre-Sprouting = 8x10 Tray: 2.5 Cups 5x6 Tray: 1 Cup If you want to grow all the way: Determine how much seed to soak by spreading dry seed evenly on the bottom of the tray. If you evenly cover the bottom of the tray with dry seed, you'll have the right amount of soaked seed to grow Grass or Greens.
Pre-Sprouting only, unless you use a medium, to grow upon. If you choose to do this, remember that you need to be careful when you harvest and clean the SproutMaster, so as to not damage it. It's a strong device, but roots are strong too. Just pay attention to what you're doing. You'll do great.
Critter Sprouts
Whether you're growing A Bird Mix or 4 Legs of Love - they require no additional information. Everything you need to know is on the mix' detailed instruction page.
Maximum dry seed = 8x10 tray: 1 1/2 Cups 5x6 tray: 3/4 Cup
SproutMaster trays (of the same dimension) are stackable. Add trays to build your own sprout skyscraper. SproutMasters are comprised of Growing Trays, each with a removable Divider - which allows you to grow 2 crops in one Tray, and interchangeable Lids and Bases.
TheThree-Tray, 5x6 inch SproutMaster comes with 3 Trays, 3 Dividers, and 4 Lids/Bases. That is enough Lids/Bases for almost anything you want to grow.
The Single-Tray, 8x10 inch SproutMaster comes with 1 Tray, 1 Divider, and 2 Lids/Bases. If you purchase multiple 8x10 trays, you'll end up with more of the Lids/Bases then you'll use regularly, but extras can be a good thing....
A little more you should know:
The bottom of every tray is full of small holes which allows for exceptional Drainage of all sprouting seeds, though as usual, you still have to play an active part. The SproutMaster is made of heavy duty, food grade, white plastic. It will last a lifetime but - it is not dishwasher safe.
The only drawback, besides the price - which is a bit high, is that the holes will require a little poking on your part. When you clean the SproutMaster, after harvesting a crop of small seeded (Alfalfa, Clover, Broccoli, etc.) sprouts, you'll want a paper clip or the like to help get some of the stuck seeds out.
Growing Capacity 5x6 Tray without divider : 1.5 Cups approximately 6 ounces of Leafy or Brassica Sprouts or 12 ounces of Bean or Grain sized Sprouts
8x10 Tray without divider : 1 Quart approximately 16 ounces of Leafy or Brassica Sprouts or 32 ounces of Bean or Grain sized Sprouts
Eat More Sprouts + Grow More Often - Easily!
For Sprouting Instructions, click the name of the Seed or Mix you want to grow.
Seeds to Sprout in SproutMaster
These seeds are a Perfect match for SproutMaster:
Leafy Sprouts: Alfalfa, Clover and Mixes - Leafy sprouts are the best thing about using SproutMaster. When you grow these in a tray - they grow vertically, roots down, leaves up! It is very beautiful!
Brassicas - Broccoli, Radish, Mustard, Cabbage, etc. These will work just great as long as you remember to keep them from forming a mass. Do Not try to grow Brassicas vertically, as we do Leafy Sprouts.
Exotics - All
Beans - All (see Mung Note below)
Mung Beans - If you want short, sweet sprouts, SproutMaster is perfect. It is slightly less perfect for growing large, thick rooted Mungs. The big points here are - keeping them dark while growing, and applying weight to the growing sprouts. SproutMaster, though not deep is dark inside. To apply weight to the growing crop requires something that fits inside of the growing tray. As that is a very specific size and shape, it may prove difficult to find. The only other issue is the soak period we suggest while growing Mungs. You can submerge the tray in a pot of water to accomplish that, if you're careful. Read the notes further down the page.
Grains - All
Nuts and Seeds - Almonds, Buckwheat Groats, Market Mix, Peanuts, Sunflower - basically All, except Amaranth - 'cause it's a very small seed.
Pre-Sprout Perfection and Possibilities:Grass and Greens - Because the SproutMaster has a top and bottom it can hold moisture well - which makes it possible to grow Grass and Greens without soil. Doing so always requires extra attention, but as long as you keep the seeds moist all through growing, it can be done. WE ARE NOT suggesting this as a good way to grow these crops but we are saying that it is possible. Experiment Freely! The major problem is that the roots will grow out of the holes in the bottom - in a big way. Be sure to cut them off when you harvest. If you try to pull them you could hurt SproutMaster. That is possibly a bit less true, if you grow with a Medium in the tray.
Micro-Greens are possible in SproutMaster if you use soil or another planting medium in the tray. These tiny plant's roots will not be as hard on SproutMaster, but do take care just the same.
Cleaning: If you sprout small seeds in SproutMaster you might need to poke a few out. We use a paper clip or toothpick (though those can break). Scrub well between crops with soap and water.
Rinse well. SproutMaster is NOT dishwasher safe - at least that's what the manufacturer tells us. We wash ours by hand.
Sterilize: Soap and water usually do the trick, but you can use something stronger every several crops. We used bleach back in the day, but we don't anymore, unless absolutely necessary.
There are many options these days, and though an unclean sprouter can cause your crop to fail - we suggest food grade hydrogen peroxide or grapefruit seed extract - or anything else you are comfortable with. We might even offer something by
now, for sterilizing. Whatever you go with, do remember: It is always true, that a sterile sprouter is a great place to begin a crop.
SproutMaster Configurations: Though the makers of SproutMaster offer other options (single 5x6 trays and triple 8x10 trays), we have limited our selection to the two we offer. If we had more space at Sproutpeople Headquarters,
and endless cash-flow, we would offer them all to you. We apologize for our limitations.
SproutMaster Assembly
Your big decision is whether you want to insert a divider in a tray. If you do - just slide it into this groove. Now you can grow 2 crops at once!
Your other decision is whether to stack or not. If you wish to stack trays, put a base (bases and covers are identical) down (text side up), then a tray, then a cover (text side up), then a tray, then a cover, then a tray, etc. I've had stacks 13 SproutMasters tall!
I have been using these sprouters for well over 10 years. I have come a long way since the upside down jar with the rubber band and screen on top!
These really hold up well and make the best sprouts. And they are really easy to clean as well. I can't say enough good things about them!
I have been using these sprouters for well over 10 years. I have come a long way since the upside down jar with the rubber band and screen on top!
These really hold up well and make the best sprouts. And they are really easy to clean as well. I can't say enough good things about them!
I've been sprouting with these trays for 4 years. I absolutely love them. They are so easy and convenient to use.
I've been sprouting with these trays for 4 years. I absolutely love them. They are so easy and convenient to use.
I've used many different sprouters over the years, but these trays are awesome. Gone are the days of the constant struggle with mold. I'm back for 3 more trays.